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About Me

Wife, Mother, Friend
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Elizabeth, the author

I purchased my own journal for the first time in 2003. At the time I was 27 and recovering from severe postpartum depression. I began writing at the prompting of my counselor to process my own trauma. I studied the word of God and allowed him to transform my mind and my heart. I put all of that on paper.

A year after the death of my mother in 2009, I was asked to speak at a ladies’ retreat. The women at that retreat commissioned me into ministry. I did not know what that ministry would look like, but I kept writing. This time my words went into the computer and were printed out for my women’s bible study ladies to read.

Since then, I have written blog posts and books. I have “boots on the ground” in women’s ministry at my church. As I discuss with my friends and pray for our struggles, the LORD is faithful to reveal himself to me. The holy scriptures remain relevant to our everyday lives and I continue to press into them for truth.

My hope is that women’s hearts are ministered to, their minds are renewed, and that I can serve my sisters according to their need.

How Chaos Can Order Your Life

“Things don’t matter. Pictures don’t matter. I have my husband and my daughter and my Momma. That’s all that matters.”

She just stood there stunned, not knowing where to begin. The tornado had ripped her home apart and nearly taken the lives of the three that were there.

Blog Posts

Topics include: anxiety, depression, suicide, parenting, grief, relationships, Christianity, and religion

Holding Tightly to My Dreams

Holding Tightly to My Dreams

The incubator rocked the eggs slowly back and forth for 21 days… The seeds went into the garden dirt and were soon reborn. The seeds raised their heads and then branched out into full-grown plants. I prayed the chicken eggs would soon become fully developed chicks.

Dreams in the Wordless Place

Dreams in the Wordless Place

In the garage, my egg incubator holds the promise of almost forty chickens. I was busy and forgot to hold the eggs up to the light to see if chickens were growing inside. “Candling” is like the birdie ultrasound. I guessed I would just be surprised. I purchased the...

When God Births my Dreams

When God Births my Dreams

It’s been a long season of waiting for me, pregnant with hopes and dreams. I wrote a children’s book and am in the process of illustrating it. Then my daughter, 30 weeks pregnant with our second grandchild, got sick. They told us the baby must be born “today.” Mabel Rose would not be full-term until 40 weeks.

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