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Seasons of the Soul

Seasons of the Soul

"I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow." Psalm 6:6-7 I am way too familiar with the darkest seasons of the soul. Many people are familiar with seasonal...

The Tyranny of the Self

The Tyranny of the Self

"A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart." Proverbs 17:3 WHAT IS TRUE FREEDOM? Our modern culture has an incorrect definition of freedom. Many believe freedom is the absence of constraint. “As long as our actions are not...

My Greatest Hope for You

My Greatest Hope for You

Dear child of mine, I’m not ashamed of you. I may be slightly disappointed but I’m not ashamed. My disappointment is not for my own renown but for my hopes for your future. I am not being prideful. I know there are MANY, MANY  paths to success and although I...

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An Open Letter to My Friends and Family

An Open Letter to My Friends and Family

Dear Friend, Child, Family Member, I want to tell you I’m sorry for what I said: all of it, all of the times. I don’t say the right things. I blurt things out before I think about it. Mostly, I tend to hurt people’s feelings. I tend to get my feelings hurt easily, so...

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When fear creeps in on the edges

When fear creeps in on the edges

Aren’t we a rag-tag band of fellows? All we want is to seek holiness and yet fear and cynicism keeps creeping in at the edges. Fear trips us all up One fears the curse of mental illness has finally gripped her mind. One fears her husband loves his bank account more...

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To Flee the Center

To Flee the Center

I wish I could be brave enough to put my feeling and fears and tears on paper as much as this one that inspires me does. Every week, several times a week she sits at the screen and mashes out a few paragraphs to let us know we are not alone in our grief. Some of us...

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Why do I need white noise in my life?

Why do I need white noise in my life?

I have been reading poetry and poetic writers for years. A tone that resonates in my soul. The Psalmist sings to me thousands of years later. Many times the hum that draws me dissipates and eventually disappears. I panic. Have I lost my way? The creator whispers …...

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