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To the women in my life…

by | Oct 30, 2009 | Uncategorized

You are so beautiful. I know it’s exciting to become a beautiful, busty, curvy woman. People think you are beautiful and admire you. Our bodies are treasures from above and when we show our treasures to everyone it’s like giving diamonds or pearls to a pack of mangy dogs. Don’t give to dogs what belongs to God. They will only turn and attack you. Don’t throw pearls down in front of pigs. They will trample all over them.

Admiration is similar to being treasured but it’s like counterfeit money. It may look the same but it’s fake! Admiration of many does not compare to being treasured by one. There is a plan and it is designed to keep you safe and not break your heart. If you continue to cast your pearls before swine you will experience being trampled and be left lonely and heart broken- for sure!