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The Light Makes Everything Visible

Here is the question: If you had to pick a color for the season of life you are currently in, what would it be? Most of the ladies shared that there were good and bad things in this season of life, but they felt they were OK, growing, cared-for… They chose greens or...

Diverging Ways, The Path of Life

“You make known to me the path of life… LORD you have assigned my portion, you have made my lot secure. My body also will rest secure because you will not abandon me to the grave.” Psalms 16:5, 9, 11  David seems quite confident that the LORD has led him on the...

Bright Strands

“Does it bother you that we are such a somber looking bunch?” I looked down at my clothes: jeans and a brown top. This was my “nice” shirt, the one I wear to church. “I guess I stopped wearing white when I had my second child.” No hope of keeping anything clean with...

Bright Strands Outline

Basic Information Six weeks: Study the path, the way described in Psalms and Proverbs.Art Project: Weaving a dark tapestry with a bright strand (If you would rather paint, draw, embroider… whatever, that’s fine. We will be leading weaving.) Purchase and bring your own...
Bright Strands

Bright Strands

“Does it bother you that we are such a somber looking bunch?” I looked down at my clothes: jeans and a brown top. This was my “nice” shirt, the one I wear to church. “I guess I stopped wearing white when I had my second child.” No hope of keeping anything clean with...

The Chapter Closes

The Chapter Closes

Bones remember what the heart does not I have to pause at this spot The spot that I have tasted pain Drown in pools of tears that rain The echo of a song not sung The image of beloved one Whose hand forever slipped away On that fateful, tragic day A day not very long...



Why are we drawn to epic tales of people battling in scenarios of life and death; people who are fighting for their lives, fighting to bring criminals to justice, fighting to bring peace to their wounded hearts? Life is precious. Truth is worth seeking out. I recently...

The Identity Project

There is a crisis in our world. It is not far away in a third world country. It’s right here in our community. It’s in our schools. It’s in our homes and yes it’s even in our churches. It’s in our children… It’s in our hearts. It is an identity crisis. We do not know...


I finished writing “Ebenezer” and have piloted the study at my church, West Rome Baptist. Special thanks to my discipleship pastor, Chris Lodge, for letting me get my feet wet there. The pilot group was small but I believe that was the perfect environment for a study...