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Guide Me on Straight Paths

Guide Me on Straight Paths

THE LORD IS MY STRONGHOLD In ancient times, there were fortified places called “strongholds” or “strengths” that were shelters against a military threat. This may have been an outpost on certain parts of a long border road, or a part of castle people could...

To Love Evil Rather Than Good

To Love Evil Rather Than Good

“Why do you boast of evil, O mighty man? The steadfast love of God endures all the day. Your tongue plots destruction, like a sharp razor, you worker of deceit. You love evil more than good and falsehood rather than speaking truth. Selah.” Psalm 52:1-3...

The Things You’d Rather Not Look At

The Things You’d Rather Not Look At

You didn’t log into your Facebook page to be confronted with injustices in the world. You came to post a picture of a neat dessert you made, see the pictures of your newborn nephew, and complain about your bad haircut. You needed to get your two cents in that Facebook...

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More on Rubble

More on Rubble

How long does it take before the rubble in our lives become familiar? I drove past the old mill site today. I drive past it every day… several times a day. Today I slowed down and pondered the debris. There is a thought that quickly enters and exits my mind each time:...

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Special Chicken: continued

Special Chicken: continued

I have a new batch of chickens in my pen. These tiny girls are about six weeks old and it never ceases to amaze me the lessons I learn from my little flock. I didn’t raise these chickens the way I did the first six. The first six started out in a Rubbermaid tub in my...

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How chaos can order your life:

How chaos can order your life:

“Things don’t matter. Pictures don’t matter. I have my husband and my daughter and my Momma. That’s all that matters.” She just stood there stunned, not knowing where to begin. The tornado had ripped her home apart and nearly taken the lives of the three that were...

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Hidden Sorrow

Hidden Sorrow

You would think this time of year would be lifting this winter fog off my mind. Everything is greening, everything is warming, life is emerging everywhere. My bulbs and wild flowers are faithful to send up jade leaves, slowly unfurling. There will be flowers. My...

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Model of Mourning

Model of Mourning

There are many kinds of grief. I have known many kinds of grief. I see people suffering under their own grief daily. Some embrace it, cling to it… make it their identity… refuse to surrender the burden to the ONE, the only one, who can carry it. Some suppress it,...

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