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The Light Makes Everything Visible

Here is the question: If you had to pick a color for the season of life you are currently in, what would it be? Most of the ladies shared that there were good and bad things in this season of life, but they felt they were OK, growing, cared-for… They chose greens or...

Diverging Ways, The Path of Life

“You make known to me the path of life… LORD you have assigned my portion, you have made my lot secure. My body also will rest secure because you will not abandon me to the grave.” Psalms 16:5, 9, 11  David seems quite confident that the LORD has led him on the...

Bright Strands

“Does it bother you that we are such a somber looking bunch?” I looked down at my clothes: jeans and a brown top. This was my “nice” shirt, the one I wear to church. “I guess I stopped wearing white when I had my second child.” No hope of keeping anything clean with...

Bright Strands Outline

Basic Information Six weeks: Study the path, the way described in Psalms and Proverbs.Art Project: Weaving a dark tapestry with a bright strand (If you would rather paint, draw, embroider… whatever, that’s fine. We will be leading weaving.) Purchase and bring your own...

Why Special Chicken?

In April of 2009 the Dempsey family was grieving the loss of Elizabeth’s mother who had taken her own life. Elizabeth found herself crying out to God (as she always does) for the answers. The Dempseys were also trying their hand at chicken farming by raising six...


It’s a funny trait for an extrovert… or maybe it is because I am an extrovert that it is crucial that I get hours of quiet each day… hours of the waking part of my day in which there is no one around, no one talking to me or even needing me… If my children are at home...

Quiet Time

I woke up late today. Just enough time to feed the teenagers and get them off to school. Then the dilemma: go meet with God or NOT. The two little ones (they are 8 and 11) are waiting for our homeschool day to begin. So I reflect. When I had all of them at home, I...

When God Speaks

This week marks a significant spot on my path. I finished my book. Well, I mean to say that I have all the content written in my book. There will be significant editting done before it is published. I have to say that it would have been nice to sleep in today but alas...


I have been at the “bottom of my lap top” since August, doggedly hacking away at the keys to birth these words I have been pregnant with for years. Really I have been at the bottom of my heart. The deep called to deep and I have labored to push it out. Wanting it to...

Her Eyes Said Everything

I worshiped with my kids tonight. It’s not really something new. We make a point to have our family sit together in church, but tonight we experienced something a little different. My daughter is fifteen and one of the areas we connect the most is music. We like the...

Broken Part 2: Reunited Heart

Does the fact that we are born into sin mean that there is no good thing in us? I believe that the foundation for this idea is rooted in a verse from Romans being taken out of context. Paul writes, “I know that nothing good lives in me…” But, alas, in the very the...

Broken Part 1: Broken and Contrite Spirit

I have spent lots of time with all kinds of people: believers and the lost, normal average people and addicts fighting for their lives, dirt poor and wealthy, ambitious and laid-back, happy and despairing… and I have come to some conclusions about prevailing extremes...